Breaking News
Greetings to the Meek and Humble
News from McMurdo, while slow in coming from this correspondent, is that we've just cleared a crazy 8-day "summer" storm. High winds, frequent snow has kept all flights from Christchurch away. Even though I spent some time in MN and WI, I've never experienced such an extended snow event where none of the snow falls from up to down, just blows side to side. No flight equals no mail, and more importantly, no fresh food (and Mom - I still haven't received the package you sent!). Take into account the recent arrival of the Coast Guard cutter and it's crew of ~200 imposing on our exquisite dining facilities, decent food is definitely in short supply. The weather cleared up for us yesterday, just enough to get our hopes up for a trip to Cape Royds today, but no such luck. Even though the wind and snow are still at bay, we are nicely settled into a quite little fog bank (very low visibility). So, here we are, spending another day on "standby" on the helo schedule. The upside of being on standby is as soon as the fog lifts, we're likely to catch the first helo out to Pony Lake. The downside, and what I like to call "reality", is that the fog is not going anywhere anytime soon, and being on standby, we really aren't able to get anything significant accomplished in lab. So here I am doing my best to be productive this a.m. while not loosing my mind (or whatever remains) from boredom. God Bless the Internet!
As some of you might already be aware, the movements of iceberg B15-A is big news around McMurdo. This iceberg, roughly the size of Jamaica, is on a collision course with the Drygalski Ice Tongue, which extends into the Ross Sea. While this might seem like small potatoes to many of you in more temperate climates, this is a very significant event for the future success of the US Antarctic Program, as well for the future success of many penguin colonies who make their home on Ross Island. For more on this check out:
As I whittle the time away on my all-important blog, I am instantly reminded that I have just 2 weeks left on the ice. My imminent departure puts our weather-trapped situation feel all that more desperate. Nonetheless, to my dedicated fans and critics, I promise to get another round of photos (of the magnificent Dry Valleys!) up on my site pretty soon. Who knows, as my productivity continues to soar right thru the cellar, I'll probably post that round of photos later this evening! Thanks to all those who comment on my site, it really is a treat to know that there are people out there looking at the dribble I put on the ol' internet.
Peace and Love to all
Dr. Rock
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